Thursday, March 15, 2012

1:26 am

My cell buzzed at 1:26 am.

My first thoughts at this time of the morning are:
Is someone hurt?
In jail?

The last thing I am expecting is:
 From R
March 15, 2012

1:26 am- It has been said that the opposite of love is not hate, but apathy. If someone in your world seems to be feeling intensely upset with

1:26 am- you know, Gemini, it may be because this person has a hard time dealing with the depth of his/her feelings for you- not because there is no love. Don't

1:27 am- automatically assume that you are not cared for. You cannot control this individual's reaction, but if you have feelings for this person and he/she gener

1:27 am- ally respects you, then you will need to be tolerant of the situation until it passes. Work on communicating better and see if that helps--


Seriously? GGRRFACE! How annoying is that? Now, I didn't answer them. But a few minutes ago I did forward them to my attorney. No, they aren't threatening, but they are annoying. And he told his attorney "He was so over with me and understood we were done".

I feel sad for him. Trust me not sad enough to go back to him! More a pity sad. Sad for his Mom too. After she mentioned recently that she would not say anything bad about him to the GAL because he was her son and knows where she lives! What about her Grandkids? During that conversation she said she wanted us to visit my sister-in-laws new digs (she is living with them, to help care for them). BUT, she could not ensure R wouldn't show up and she can not ask him to leave. She won't do that!

I'm sad for them. I still pray for all of them. I hope they find help they need to repair the messed up relationship and mental issues that R has. I pray that our son does not travel down the path of abusing his loved ones in the future.

I have still am unsure of any new court date available. Quite frankly, I'm still antsy about finding some closure with this. I continue to leave it in God's hands. For now, everything we have needed is provided. We are safe and loved!

And you Dear blog reader... How are you today? If you are reading this and in a abusive relationship please take it to heart that you are not alone! You are worthy of happiness, joy and down the road a happy relationship with someone special.

Sometime people can raise their face to the sky and ask "Why me God?" "Why are you doing this" or "Why are you letting this happen to me?"

Did you ever stop and ask yourself what can "you" do about it? Don't wait to act before more damage is done to you or your children or pet! When is enough, enough? Have you hit rock bottom? Or do you just keep getting hit with fists or words? Dearest, only you know when it is time to go. Please do not wait until things escalate and get worse. Stop making excuses for your abusers actions. Stop thinking it's just you or in your head.

Stay safe! Many blessings!


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