The amazing part of being me is that I survived a rough time
in my life. From time to time I dared to dream of a life that belonged to
anyone else but me. I couldn’t see the trees through the forest.
A normal relationship seemed like an impossible dream. There
were times while licking my wounds that I would imagine a new life for us. Or
that my ex would actually change as he promised.
After time went on, I thought that if this is all there is
for God to take me and my children. That I didn’t feel as though I could endure
anymore. I couldn’t gather up any more courage or strength to fight my abuser.
Of course the all-important question: “God why me?”
“What did I do to deserve this?”
“God, why do you let him continue to do this to these kids
or me?”
I blamed God for many of the issues I got myself into. It’s
a human thing to do. Have you heard of freewill? We all have it.
I trusted God but wavered a lot. It’s normal. I put myself
where I was. I chose the path I took. I made the conscious choice to believe my
abuser’s lies about harming my family if I didn’t stay with him. I allowed him
to guide my path and let God just tag along.
I didn’t heed to voice and times in my life when I should
have jumped out of the situation I was in. There were plenty of chances that I
can see now looking back. Those years seem so foreign to me. It’s almost like another
life. That is another person with bad memories. Someone else went through a
terrible spot in her life. And an occasional Panic attack. Man! Where do those
come from? Like a pimple they seem to come out of nowhere. I am still learning
about what my triggers are.
I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’ve grown a lot. I don’t
have all the answers and wish I could say a prayer so that all the pain will go
away but I can only do so much. I rely on God to get me through, as He always
had. He’s walked with me when I was bruised, crying and desperate. He never
gave up on me!
I’m one of His children that He wants so much for.
Success. Happiness. A good
The fairytale…
I’m grateful for all I have –
An adoring Husband. There are bumps here and there but
nothing we can not endure or get through together.
5 great kids- I miss my oldest Son terribly! I still pray
someday we will have some sort of relationship. And my girls are still holding
on to much of the anger and heartache that they have. This is a big struggle
for all of us!
Farm with a old house attached.
Furry and feathered critters that bring me such joy to watch
and tend to.
Despite our limited finances I was able to finally find a
job and Terry is Mr. Mom! He has found great joy in being able to do so.
We have a fridge of food.
A car that runs.
For the most part good health.
A safe place to live- My ex doesn’t know where we live as
far as we know
We have money to get us by. It’s by no means a lot. (I can’t
get my nails done or spurlge on a monthly hair cut) But it is all we need to
help pay the bills and occasionally get a take out or a few DVD’s.
I still get to play with a glue gun and glitter!
I still have a fondness for antiques and hope to get a booth
space soon.
I hope to have my Doula biz get going and the farm to take
off with some things I dreamed up.

My health
issues seem to change with the wind and I’m pretty uncomfortable every day
physically and sometimes mentally. We live without any extra frills, yet I
don’t feel I need to get my nails done or hair cut all the time. I don’t run
out and get the newest clothes or accessories for us. I shop at resale shops and garage sales. You may find me even in a dumpster looking for some tossed treasure to re-purpose.I am in a much better place then you would have found me almost 4 years ago at the end of this month.
I hope you find your fairytale! I hope you don’t give up in doing so! No matter
what your dream of a fairytale or a happily ever after is, don’t give up! You
can do it! I’m praying for you!
*Not for the faint of heart on a side note*
I had a amazing moment when I realized I pooped for the third time today! I have been doing this for a few years now. I know gross right, TMI! Where am I going with this? Over 4 years ago I was lucky if I went once a week due to stress. I have become more regular in the past few years. But for some reason today it was amazing to me! I don't lose my hair anymore. No heart palpitations. No nervous twitching (unless I'm dealing with something related to my ex). YEA ME! Sorry I came home and had to tell Terry my epiphany, he just shook his head and listened. I'm a lucky girl! He has amazing patience and love.
No more potty talk! I promise!
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