Saturday, June 9, 2018

Rising from the Ashes has been published!

WAHOO! My second book is out... And my third book that has nothing to do with abuse. It's been awhile since I've blogged on any of my pages. It's not that things haven't been going on. Life has been busy. I've had some Lyme flare's that have knocked the wind out of my sails. I have several book signing coming up and I'm really excited! 

Find them here- Amazon I have shared my upcoming schedule of book signings on my FB page- Hope when there was none

Peanut (Alex) has graduated! The issue of her anxieties have been a sticky spot for her. She was so upset and panicky over the past few months. She is unsure what she wants to do with her life. She didn't apply to any colleges or for scholarships. And the thought of getting a job sends her into a tizzy. After the McDonald's fiasco last Summer I don't believe a job is an option right now.

China Doll (Jess) is doing wonderful! She is on new antidepressants and found out what medications she is allergic to. Going forward the experiences she will have medically should be a lot better. Changing her diet has helped as well. She has gone Vegan on her own. I'm proud of her! The baby is growing by leaps and bounds.

I feel very blessed. I'm in awe of this life I live. God has given me so much. It's more then I possibly imagined. Curious about what's happening at CasaMel's?  Check us out

If you are in a relationship that gives you second thoughts. Please take a moment to think if this is how you want to live for the rest of your life. Will you live past this year? Can he/she change or are they willing to change? Leaving is scary. The path ahead can be rough. You may wonder if it's just easier to stay. 

Please don't give up. Giving up or giving in is easy. Having faith that everything is going to be alright is hard. It's not something you can readily see. If you have had tragedy in the past, it may have tarnished your relationship with the Lord. I am happy to chat with you about this or just listen to what's on your mind. Don't hesitate to message me privately.

I hope your weekend finds you safe and well.
Love you and BIG HUGS,

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